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AC Problems? It May Be Time for a New System in Suntree, FL

With spring already here and a scorching summer in Suntree, FL not far off in the future, AC problems may cause anxiety. In addition to the direct challenges these issues present, they force you to decide whether to handle them through repairs or by getting a new system. Here are some major signs that it may be time for you to get a new AC system.

Frequent Repairs

If multiple repairs can’t stop your AC issues, you probably need to get a new system. If trained and responsible HVAC technicians repair your system, then whatever problems afflict it should disappear for at least a fairly significant length of time.

You should not need to request help from HVAC repair crews once every few weeks or months. If the need for repairs becomes that frequent and burdensome, your system is probably under irreparable strain. At that point, the wise course of action would be to replace your old AC with a new one.

Rising Energy Bills

Cost should influence practically all of the decisions relating to your AC. For example, a highly efficient AC, even a relatively expensive one, can save you money in the long run, making it a prudent investment.

Similarly, if your AC is so worn out and degraded that its parts can no longer perform their jobs efficiently, leading to sudden spikes in your energy bills, it’s probably no longer worth trying to fix it. Consider buying a new and more efficient system.


You should always keep your AC’s age in the back of your mind even if everything still functions well. On average, a central AC system can function satisfactorily for about 15 years, when you schedule maintenance every year and repair it when necessary.

Repairs are not always the answer to your AC problems in Suntree, FL. If you are faced with a repair bill that is close to 50% of the cost of a new system, it would be wise to consider installing a new system. Call Next Generation Air & Heat, Inc and request AC installation services today.

Image provided by iStock

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